Posts Tagged ‘Milk Magazine’

Moving Mountains Between Two States

February 19, 2009
Photo of Kid, You'll Move Mountains courtesy of the band

Photo of Kid, You'll Move Mountains courtesy of the band

Words by Erin Wolf

When a musician relocates to another city and picks up another band, do they turn a blind eye to their former hometown and former bands? No way, says, Jim Hanke, currently of Illinois’ Kid, You’ll Move Mountains and formerly of Milwaukee’s El Oso. Hanke’s current band is conducting two CD releases, in two separate cities for their new album Loomings, visiting their northern neighbors this Saturday for an official brewtown christening. The Milwaukee native claims that this city is nothing that he’d soon forget, and plans to keep a strong lifeline running with conscious connections and the kindness of friends and acquaintances.

“Wives’ Tale”, Kid, You’ll Move Mountains
